15 January 2010

SL Friends

I don't have much time atm...but just read this and wanted to share it. Funny thing is, I was just talking to someone about this earlier. What do you think?


Later with pics, I hope!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rik, I think this is an interesting topic. Maybe at some point you just have to say it doesn't matter anymore. Like just staying the moment and if it's enjoyable - enjoy. If not - leave.

    Obviously, I don't have the answer! LOL

    You said: "In my opinion someone can only be a true friend, if he is authentic." and I agree, but how do you know that in SL?

    I guess we each have to figure it out for ourselves. Some people don't care at all as long as they are enjoying their SL. Others want to make sure you are 1) the sex being portrayed 2) not too old or too young 3) not married or single.


  3. Joonie, this subject is so interesting. I think one reason that I don't have very many SL friends (and don't really want them) is that you really can't know. The author of the post you linked to says "but if they are not keeping it real, the ending will never be good. To those who try to be honest, this is hard to relate to." The thing is you never know who is keeping it real in there, and I have seen and heard about a lot of "not good" endings. Isn't that one of the attractions of SL to begin with? Your world, your imagination, be whoever you want? Where does honesty fit in that? I dunno. I don't think anyone is totally honest in there, but maybe that is my cynicism showing.

    I believe the conclusion you have come to is the right one. Handle it on a case by case basis and if something does not feel right, run!

    Excellent can of worms you've opened here Joonie! Love you and your blog!



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