13 January 2010

Greenie Love 68/365

Today was like any other day in SL, exploring, shopping, and decorating. Then I got an IM from a friend. He reminded me that we never made it to the Greenies. TBH, I wasn't all that interested. I visited the Greenie sim when it first opened in SL, and although I love it, I felt like I had already seen all there was to see there.
But he was right, we had planned on going there and the last time we tried, one of us had RL stuff to take care of. So off we went for an innocent little excursion, when....well....I got engaged!!

OMG I love my ring. But I'm not engaged to the guy below. He was just an innocent(?) bystander caught up in the moment. He's cute, huh..but has nothing to do with this post.

oh...hi. Sorry....don't know why he's in here twice. mmmm.....anyway. I'm not qutie sure who proposed to me. I feel certain it was a Greenie, but there are so many of them running around. Maybe I can figure it out.

Hmmm....this guy looks familiar but I certainly hope it's not him!! One addiction per family, please.

um...ditto. The Greenies seem to have some bad addictions going on.

This one seems mean but at least he has something on the brain....like mouse stew maybe.

Well, it could be worse than being a neat freak. I could use this guy at my house. But sadly, I don't think it's him either! 

Now this is an addiction I can sink my teeth into! HoOooOooo! But it's not any of these guys, either.

GAH! Now ciggies? Who knew the Greenies were so dependent on substances to get them through the night!

Oh finally! An artist/writer type. What's he writing? Looks like a bunch of scribbles! Like my art! But not like my fiance.

Okay, I can relate to this guy, But he's probably always laying on the couch rocking to his iPod when I need him to do some chores around the house. pfft...who needs that!? My guy needs to be able to do some heavy lifting. Wha?  No not ME! chores and stuff.  Geeesh...

I sure hope it's not this one!  I'm too young to be a widow!

Oh nuuuuu....it was this one all along! Well, at least this one's addition is affordable.

It's so nice to be engaged again. Thanks for all the well wishes! Gotta run....Office Depot is my new
Wal-mart! I think I better stock up this time. I wonder if he'd like the new pens or stick with the liquid kind.  Hmmmm......be right back! haha

I wonder how many lindens I could get for this ring on the black market? hmmmmm.....??

If you have never been to the Greenies home or haven't been for a while, go check it out! It's still a lot of fun and new things have been added.  Click here for the LM to the Greenies!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Terrific post Joonie!

    We also have a massssssssive fashion event at Greenies starting this weekend, 17th at midday. It's called "2010 - The Future Is Now" and it's all cybercouture. I really hope we see you there. Just get your fiance out of my desk drawer, please.

  3. Rik - it could have been you, but you disappeared! ;-) It was fun. Thanks for reminding me how fun it is there.

    Winter - Did someone say fashion? =) Nice to see you here. I tried to get him to leave, but he wouldn't let go of the whiteout bottle!

    What time on the 17th? I'd love to be there.

  4. Haha I love the greenies, you're so right to get hitched with ne of them. Besides your fiance looks like he might be in a good mood very often, which is always a plus :D

  5. LOL...yah, I just have to keep him supplied with whiteout to keep that smile on his face. ;)

  6. LMAO at the photos and the story. I love this post! You might want to join Sam's or Costco or something--you can get white out in a 12 pack there! :)

    Congrats on your engagement, btw. That guy in the first couple of pics was hawt, but I think you'll have better luck with Willie Whiteout!!

    Love you JJ!


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