11 January 2010

Not All Who Wander are Lost 67/365

I love my new home. I love my new tat. I don't love the emtional roller-coaster SL sometimes deals all of us. But I continue to return there. I realize I am not the only one who has felt pain and sorrow in SL, but I'm also not the only one who has felt the joy of love, of meeting people who restore your faith in all of us, the awe of amazing creativity and the laughter of fun shared. I wish all of these things to all of you. And if you find your heart breaking.....just know that this too shall pass. =D I promise. Surround yourself with good friends and you will never feel alone. Even better, learn to depend on yourself and whatever you believe in. You will truly never be alone even when there is no one around.

Love you guys...thanks for reading! JJ
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  1. Joonie, Thank YOU for writing. This is a beautiful and truthful post, and just what I needed to hear.


  2. where did you get the tattoo?


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