24 January 2009


I hate giving in to the popular girls. Not even the popular girls but the ones that....I dunno......
I just know that I'm disappointed in myself. I think I blew getting to know someone better that I kinda liked. And now...I dunno.

Anyway, to thine own self be true. I will repeat that as my mantra until it finally sinks in!

Tonight someone told me they didn't care what anyone thought of them. I say that, too, but I think he really meant it. He does wear female skins, tho, so....*shrug* ;-)

Night everyone...here's to sleeping in and waking up feeling better about myself.



  1. Sometimes I get the feeling that the more someone tells me they don't care about what the others thing of them, the more that person actually is concerned with it... Not saying it's the case of your friend, I wouldn't know that of course, it's just an observation. Personally I'm kind of torn on this one, with some things, I care way too much about what the others think, while in others I don't give a damn...

  2. Hi Joonie, I know I said that but last night I was reminded that I do care. I don't care if people think I am a geek or a nerd or whatever. That stuff doesn't matter. I do however care that people think I am a nice guy. I'd like to pretend that doesn't bother me, but it does. It really does.

    P.S. The female skin didn't look so bad. *smirk*

  3. I think you both just said the same thing....some things you care what ppl think and other things, you don't give a damn. LOVE IT!

    And sorry Bon...but it DID look sooooo bad! *nods* I could post proof I'd you like. ;-)


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