12 February 2009

Tableau Trouble!

Something was going terribly ... wrong?...last night at Tableau.

The notecard read (rather cryptically, too, I might add) :
"What a random occurrence of events! Depressed hamsters are destroying tableau in some sort of revenge plot against toast bard! Oh the humanity"
I will not pretend that I have a CLUE what is going on. I just remember the
last invastion was by...aliens...I believe. And we all know what happened after that!
I can't wait to see what that group is up to next. Whatever it is, it will be absofuckinglutely amazing...even if it goes back to being as it was before the huge hamsters took over and set fire to everything!!
Stay tuned! LOL
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  1. Ahhhh!! Giant hamsters??? Eeek!! Wait...can't we put them in big wheels and have them power the LL servers? :-D

  2. hahaha....great idea! Why hasn't LL snapped you up yet?



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