15 March 2009

I Love...

Today I love Plurk. I reeeeaally reeeeaally do. A few days ago...not so much. In fact, I had almost decided since I hit Nirvana and I'm still the same me, I was just gonna leave. But yesterday and today were really great there. So why is that?

Well, apart from ego cos ppl plurked me..LOL...I would have to say I found some use for it. First, I want to replace my PC with a laptop and I haven't a clue what to get. I know I want 4gb and I want an awesome vid card like maybe an Nvidia 9600 or 9800, but I don't know how reliable laptops are. I've read some things online and have heard good things about Gateway P7811 or 7805u, some Toshibas, Alienware, blah blah...but which is best?

So I decided to plurk and ask for help...and I got some GREAT responses from some ppl I respect. Someone even sent a link to a board that discussed laptops! Nirvana indeed! =)

Then, some relationship stuff happened in SL and I plurked about that a bit. Just letting go and how it sux even when you feel you are left with no choice. People plurked sweet, understanding things and also some great insight I want to share. I've deleted the names cos it's late and I forgot to ask if it was ok, but it helped me a lot and thot it might help some of you, as well. Note: it's in Plurkspeak...

"friend 1 says sometimes u drop them & they plummet to the rocks below. Sometimes they bounce. Sometimes they fly. If u really let go, u don't turn 2 look."

"friend 2 says think of it as giving yourself the gift of freedom."

What amazing insight! Srsly, I love that there are ppl out there who think like this. I was too busy being all emo and feeling sorry for myself! LOL But then, it was like, whoa...this could be a good thing!

Nothing against the parties involved at all. There had to be some awesomeness about them or I wouldn't have enjoyed things with them as long as I did. Sometimes, we just grow in different directions. The love is still there, but for whatever reasons, it either isn't returned or other things have taken priority...and it's time to go.

Recently, in SL, I have been single. That in itself is no big deal. Well, if you knew me, you would realize that it really is! LOL Like the song says..."you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love..." That's me. When one ended, I'd turn around and yell "next" pretty immediately. But this time, I promised myself I would not do that. This time, I'm chillin' and having fun and when I start to feel that feeeeeeeeeeling, I run like a crazed chica! haha!

And the weird thing is, I'm having a hella blast! Srsly! I'm working in SL for the first time, after saying I would NEVER work in SL, doing something I love. Tonight, another opportunity knocked on my door. I'm really enjoying SL again after coming so close to checking outta there.

All this is to say, I would never recommend letting someone or something go out of your life without much thought and prayer. But sometimes, it's just not a good fit anymore. At the risk of sounding selfish, if it doesn't bring you joy any longer, why do it? If every time you spoke to xyz you felt sad or hurt or mad or just icky...why continue? If someone doesn't want to be with us, no matter what they might say, buh bye. Actions baby..it's all in the actions. Not the words.

So tonight I am celebrating Plurky goodness. I'm not sure if what I let go of will crash and burn or bounce or fly. But if I'm really letting go, as friend 1 stated, I won't look back to find out. I'll just know.

For now, I'm giving myself the freedom to find better friends and better times, and hope I can do better at both myself.

Nite all...happy happy joy joy!



  1. It is really wonderful to see you heal and grow and trust your inner voice Joonie.

  2. Joonie, it's awesome when people come through. I don't have many Plurk friends, but I have read some fantastic convos, support, and just general goodness there. Now whether I will ever hit Nirvana, that remains to be seen...

    It's also great to hear you doing so well, it sounds like you have things in perspective and are making choices based on what your heart really says. You absolutely can't go wrong that way.

    And can I just say I am loving the blog music???? :D

    Love you, Joonie. Happy St. Paddy's Day!!

  3. Ches - tysm! I take a step or two backwards sometimes, but for the most part, I'm in forward motion! =)

    Pinky - I'm glad you enjoyed the music! Had to take some of the Texas stuff off. It was even getting on MY nerves!


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