04 April 2009

Walk on...walk on...walk on....

As Joonie stood, looking out over the expanse and the winding road before her, she knew it was time.
It was not a choice she would have chosen for herself. She did not like to travel alone.
But the time had come. She could no longer look away, bury her head in the sand and act like everything was ok.
She had tried.

The road ahead looked dark and scary. She couldn't see the end or where it lead.
But she knew she couldn't stay on the shoreline any longer....waiting...waiting...waiting for someone to come. Someone who didn't exist.
She hoped that the lessons she had already learned would guide her on her path. She wanted to find that
fine balance between being strong and opening her heart.

Glancing down, she wondered if the shoes she was wearing were a bit much for this journey.
She felt a chill and wished she'd brought a sweater.
It was difficult to begin thinking about things for herself.
She'd always had someone else do those things for her.

Taking a deep breath, she knew it was time.
Time for her to start her own journey...alone.
She felt scared and exhilarated all at the same time.
She also felt sad that the one she had come to trust, to believe...was not there with her.
She wondered what she had done wrong to feel so alone.

Realizing that it didn't matter anymore, that she had to deal in what was, not what might have been...
she placed one foot in front of the other and started towards the road....

she didn't look back...

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  1. *takes out her flashlight*

    It's okay. :) You take those steps. You're not ever truly alone.

    I'll shine a little light on the path.

    And I'm sure..by the time everyone that loves you turns their flashlight on..it'll look like daytime.


  2. Blissie - thank you for making me feel loved and lucky...

    *hugs* JJ


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