08 April 2009

The Tunnel....

As some of you know, I've been in a big, dark place for a while....

I got stuck there and couldn't seem to get out. My friends, many of you, and ppl I
didn't even know were kind and supportive. I still couldn't get out.
I had good days and bad days and in-between days. It's just, I never
knew which one I was going to have when I woke up.

Today I got what I consider good news. What I have can be treated and
I'm really happy about that.
What I have is a combination of things...one being ADHD. The others I'm sure you
can guess.

All this to say, I can see light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in a long time.
The other thing I'd like to say is....don't judge. Judgemental ppl suck. We all do it...
but it's ugly. And usually is only showing our own insecurities and small-mindedness.
When we make judgements on people, we are basically playing God, thinking we
know everything. We know very little about the journey we each must take.

I got some very good advice from someone when I first got sober. She told me
that other people's opinion of me is none of my business.
So keep it to yourselves, kai?
Hopefully the meds will kick in soon! LMAO!
Love yas!
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  1. The advice is good; my method is even better, I tend to enjoy the good ones (oppinions) and ignore the bad ones *smiles and sends a hug*.

  2. LOL Joonie. I'm so glad you got good news and glad you are looking at it all with your irrepressible sense of humor. You have the total right attitude to thrive in spite of. Or because of. Isn't hope a wonderful thing????

    You are right on about the judging. Some ppl are so quick to do it but it is so unnecessary and wrong. And ugly.

    Big hugs to you Jooncakes--the people who love you will be right heeeeeere the whoooooole time!!

    LOVE that photo, too!!


  3. awww....tysm! I know it won't get better over night, and i'll probably get frustrated before the right dose is found and blah blah..but i'm really hopeful that things will get better.

    I feel sure my imagination will stiff be in tact, so you can count on more crazy posts! LOL

    Thanks for being here for me!

  4. ...erm...and stiLL, too, be intact OY

  5. What? Keep my opinion to myself? So..I shouldn't tell you how great I think you are? Pffft. Fine.



  6. Hugs Blissie sooooo tight....uh oh!

    ;-) Love ya Miss Bliss! TY for being you! <3

  7. I love this quote from Lao Tsu, "The way to do is to be". Of course, the U.S. Military Academy has one sort of like that, "The way to be is to do". I don't know what either of these mean, but I think it's ok for you to be who you are. Hugzzz, Yordie

  8. Yordie...I think that is the sweetest thing you could have said, and just what I needed to hear. How did you know? =) *hugs*!


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