21 May 2009

Only in SL....

...or our imaginations.

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I'm off work for 11 glorious days...and I am spending many of them cleaning up my SLinventory. I know....but it MUST be done. It is now a tangled mess over 48,000+ items. It's making me crazy I tell ya!

It's amazing the things you can find! Like this photo. It's not particularly good, but it reminds me of the fun and magic in SL, and how it touched me and my imagination in way nothing else has since I was a child. Now if those pesky other avatars would just behave! ;-)



  1. Joonie! Congratulations on your 11 days off. Enjoy and have fun in your inventory. Who knows what you might find in there! :D

    Second Life IS magical--that is so easy to lose sight of when all the crap gets in the way. If we could just hang on to that!

    Love you JJ! Have a great vacation!

  2. 11 DAYS?!


    Come get me.

    We can have a road trip.



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