13 June 2009

Random Pics

One of my fave things to do in SL is shop. I believe strongly in customer service. I won't go back to a store that is not customer service oriented, and there are too many to number. But every once in a while a shop will go above and beyond what is general thought of as "customer service."
THIS, ladies and gents, is CUSTOMER SERVICE at it's finest. I shopped a loooong time at Zaara's! Nice ass-ets. (/me hopes for a return engagement!)

My friend Bailey/Bitter. She rarely comes to SL anymore, so I had to take pics to celebrate her one day return! LOL I miss her lots.

This pic was taken at the Puerto Rico sim. It's a bit too faded out or light, I think. I might play with it and repost. I think it has great potential....in someone else's hands. LOL

Thoughtful moments at Chou Chou. Actually I wasn't all that thoughtful...just wondering what to cook for dinner.

Oh you know...boy meets girl. Boy behaves badly. Girl kicks him to the curb and runs away. End of Story.
Saddest sight in SL. Something with so much hope will now never be. Sux!

Me and my friend just chillin'....thanx for the pics! *hugs*

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  1. Great pics, Joonie! The pink panty brigade is hilarious and I love the Puerto Rico one--very mysterious!



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