30 June 2009

Scary Inventory Cleanup

BEWARE! This is what happens when you decide to pull everything from the past and try it on to see if it jogs your memory! And this is just the beginning! I will be delighting your sense of FUGLY with more pics soon! LOL The good news is, I'm down from 48,000+ items to just under 44,000! Traveling light is awesome! ;-)

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  1. Oh I must do some inventory cleaning and yes it can be so funny when you find some very strange things.:D

  2. Nuuna! We need to have an inventory cleanup party! =) take lots of snaps and see which one of us can look the most "fashionista-esqe!"

  3. LOL Joonie. Love the outfit and the goal!! My inventory has some WEIRD stuff in it. Keep us posted. Maybe you need a little counter on the side or something so we can keep up with the project :D

    Love you JJ!


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