16 June 2009

Unconventional Wisdom

Lately I've been on kind of a personal journey. Looking inward and all that good stuff. It's not always fun because I get the extreme pleasure of seeing me as I am...LOL! And that can be good and not so good. But I've tried getting really honest with myself about my life and where I'm at and where I want to go. Heavy stuff, huh?

Anyway, the most amazing things have been happening. Not huge things...but amazing little things. Like, people have come into my life and said things I needed to hear right at that moment. Someone will share something with me that totally makes my head spin..in a good way, not the Exorcist way. People will send me links or pics or text msgs or email or whatever...just out of the blue...with stuff I need to make my journey through this life a bit more meaningful and real.

There have been things that I didn't like, also, but that have really catapulted me forward in a big way. Like the thing you want or think you want reveals itself to not be at all what you thought. Like something that could be seen as a negative becomes a really good thing and frees up space for more good.

I know...I sound like some kind of new age blah blah....but this is just my experience and I wanted to share it. It's kind of magical. I'm enjoying it.

So the point of this blog post? Well, a friend shared this blog with me and it's really cool for those of us that don't seem to fit in. INFP anyone?

Hope you enjoy it!

Click me!

1 comment:

  1. Love that blog you linked to Joon!

    And I love where you are in your journey. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Heavy stuff is good, little things are good, being conscious enough to notice them and name them and embrace the magic is the very best.

    Love you JJ!


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