09 June 2009


idle or absent-minded daydreaming


I spent most of the day doing this 'woolgathering' thing. When I was 10 or 11...well really from prolly the age of 5 up until recently, I spent a lot of time daydreaming. I would let my mind wander for as long as I had some free time. Just sit on my bed or in an overstuffed chair in my living room and stare out the window, letting my thoughts take me wherever they wanted to.

It was and is a wonderful indulgence. It helps me get in touch with my emotions and my creativity. It's a dreamy pursuit. I've always dreamed big huge fanciful dreams. Most involved a knight on a horse rescuing me from the clutches of my mean, evil stepmother. I never had a stepmother, but it just seemed to make sense. I did love Cindrella.

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Today, I realize, to my utter amazement and disbelief, that no white knight on a stallion is going to come and sweep me away. And I am not Cinderella. But there is something better out there, and that's that two real people with less than perfect bods and much baggage from the past can fall in love...sometimes romantic and sometimes just great friends...and can love from a place of pure goodness.

There may not be any fairy godmother, no pumpkin turned into a carriage, and no glass slipper to lose (tg...that sounds very painful), but love just the same. Tonight when the clock strikes 12 midnight, I am going to close my eyes and indulge in some woolgathering as I drift off to sleep, and dream of love...imperfect, messy, and true.

Nini everyone!


  1. Joonie, I loved this post. Your description of real, grown up love, is perfect. Those fantasies are awesome and fun but waking up next to soemone who loves you inspite of all that baggage, all those flaws, is imperfectly perfect in a way nothing else can be, especially when it is exactly the right person!!

    Love you JJ!!

  2. I think this is my most favorite post you have ever done. I honestly felt warm and happy inside reading this. Thank you. Papaya


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