02 August 2009

Here's Looking at You Kid!

Joonie is finally happy! Yep, you read that correctly! LOL

I want to thank everyone who went on this incredible, emotional journey with me. I am so grateful for each of you who commented and read while I was feeling so down. I know it must have been hard to watch....a "train wreck" as one person put it. And I would agree. It was not fun being in that dark place and feeling like I was never going to be happy again. But you kept telling me I would be and that helped me hang in there and not give up. I love each of you for lighting the path to happiness.

This blog has outlasted it's usefulness. It's time to start a "happy" blog. LOL And sure, life is full of ups and downs. I feel more hopeful now and I'd like to put this blog to rest. It has been here for me and given me a place to post what was going on with me and to feel like I wasn't alone. I needed that.

So I was trying to figure out a way to end this blog on a high note. I've decided to post pics of the people and places that held some significance to my SL journey so far. These pics are just memories, no photoshopping involved. LOL So if you're looking for art, you won't find it here! ;-)

Thank you all so much. You might find your pic here over the next few days!

Love and gratitude....Joonie


  1. Never a train wreck, babe. :) Just always real and honest.


  2. I'm going to DMCA or DCMA (whatever it is, LOL) you Joonie. I cornered the market on Train Wrecks and now you are copybotting me hahaha. Just kidding Lady. You were so not a train wreck, dont be silly. But I am so glad you are finding happiness.

  3. Joonie, I can feel the difference in your post! :D

    Train wreck? No, just brave and honest and willing to go through the process. Few are, and you should be proud of all the work you've done and what you've walked through. Even while you thought others were lighting the path for you, you were lighting it for us as well.

    I'm so happy you have made it to this point in your journey, and I knew you would!! Can't wait to see what comes next for you.

    Love you long time,

  4. *Group Hug!!!*

    It's interesting to see that most of these pics are of guys, but in the end, it's my girls that came through for me. *mwah*

  5. I am so happy reading this. It has been a honor for me to follow you in your journey, and I am sure your next journey will be much more amazing than the last one.

    Hugs. Tr.

  6. Trouble, I just saw this! Thank you so much for being the quiet, calming, beacon of light. Your caring ways bring renewed hope for all of us. *hugs*


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