19 September 2009


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Pearls Before Swine

Is this the age old story? Do guys pour on the romance in the beginning and then can't sustain it, so to speak? Or do guys experience the same thing? Is women's weight gain the same as men's indifferenct? Or do men turn to the TV as a
way of not looking at the weight gain? I just have no clue.

I hate looking at things along gender lines. And I know men who are more capable of romance than I am. But on a sliding scale, I would have to say women enjoy the art of romance more than men. Or perhaps love being romanced long after the first few years of togetherness. Hmmm....or could it be that boredom sets in? Or a different kind of love takes its place?

What does this have to do with SL? Nothing really, I guess. But why are we all hooking up in there? I did it, too. All of my friends did it. I know very few who haven't. So what goes wrong? Expectations not met? Half truths given? RL relationships interfere. LOL (that was just wrong on so many levels.) What goes awry?
Is it just not enough eventually?

I keep banging my head against this same wall...trying to make sense of it all. Maybe I should find a new wall...or a new head!!



  1. Love comic strip. It's funny the timing of it all... as we prepare to watch Football this afternoon.
    Woot!! Go Gators!

    I think Shakespeare explains much in this from "Much Ado About Nothing":
    Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more;
    Men were deceivers ever;
    One foot in sea and one on shore,
    To one thing constant never;
    Then sigh not so,
    But let them go,
    And be you blithe and bonny;
    Converting all your sounds of woe
    Into Hey nonny, nonny.

  2. I agree with you, and like you, I'm interested in figuring out why things tend to just... die. Maybe another talk for another time? I promise I won't make you use voice. ;)

    -Just Passing Through

  3. Elora - LOL great comment! So basically, was Shakespeare saying men are turds and always will be turds so us gurlz should just go have fun and not worry about it? LOL

    Hope the game was fun! Hey nonny nonny! ;-)

    JPT - LMAO you already made me talk on voice and then made fun of me!! Never again. LOL
    I don't know the answer to why things die...esp feelings of love.
    *shrugs* But they do, I think. Maybe it morphs into something else.

    Now get outta my blog! ;-)

  4. Joonie - it was as if the comic strip foreshadowed Merrick's response to the game.

    "OPEN YOUR #%*#@$%&* EYES REF!!!"

    :-) Final Score 23-13 GATORS!! Even with the #$%&*@#$ calls by the Refs.

    As far as the Tune, there are many ways to interpret the lyrics. You could be correct. I'm not sure "turd" would be descriptive enough. LOL
    This bawdy tune can refer to both male and female in their inconsistencies.
    Nonny can mean a silly male/ninny... or in 16th century a euphemism for a va-jay-jay. o-O

  5. Elora, thanks for clearing that up for me. =) So we ultimately have the power...erm... va-jay-jay. ;-) (just googled it)

    Congrats on the win! Who needs refs!! They just mess up the game. ;-)


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