18 November 2009

New Girl Part II 17/365

Well, much has happened to Natasha since the last time seh was here. She made friends! These are two of her newest friends. They are so sweet! The one on the right helped Natasha a LOT today.

Yep, that's Natasha below. I have to say that people have been extremely nice and helpful. I was surprised really. I didn't think things were the same as they used to be. But that's not true. If anything, people are nicer than I remembered 3 yrs. ago.

My dillemma is this: am I deceiving people? Yes I suppose I am. But I look at it more as an experiment than as deception. I think when this is over, I will come clean with everyone who helped me along the way. Maybe. Ugh...I'm not sure what the "ethical" thing would be. Is there something? *sigh*  I hate having a conscious sometimes. 

Oh well, I'll figure out some way to say thank you and come clean. Until then, I'm having fun! =)

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