30 November 2009

Vindication 29/365

There are people in SL that you walk away from for one reason or another. We've all had to do it. Sometimes, it's very painful and you wish there was another way. Other times, you regret later, many months after the fact. But sometimes...not often maybe...but sometimes you wonder why you didn't kick a person to the curb long, long ago! Recently, I was given the opportunity to see how my decision to let someone go was the only sane decision there was. Love when that happens! LOL!

I love my SLife at this moment. Negativity is alive and well in some ppl. But I don't want any part of it in my life/slife. Mean-spirited people are so boring. zzzzzzzzz


1 comment:

  1. Joonie, I'm so glad your decision was a good one. Isn't vindication grand?? :D

    Negativity IS such a bore! Good for you for sailing away from it, toward brighter things and peeps!

    Love you JJ!


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