04 December 2009

Happy RL Birthday, Papaya! 32/365

No, this isn't a pic of the party. None of my pics turned out very well. So this is Joonie when she returned home from shopping and partying and celebrating. She came home and collapsed on her bed!
Joonie has the best SLife. After many months of moping and feeling sorry for herself, she's finally come out of her slump. I think I was taking my SLife too seriously. (isn't that a song lyric? makes note to find it later.) Now she just wants to have fun, meet new peeps, and cherish the ones she's known for a while.

Right now, she's just going to sleep and maybe dream. Of what?
She has no idea.

Worn: B@R Baby Hype outfit
          Shiny Things - Boho Sandal - brown
          Truth - Lucinda in seaspray
          Skin - Curio June in Sundust (Racoon 1)
          Eyes - Beauty Avatar Diamante 09
          Earrings - Fashionably Dead (fd)

Poses: new poses by MrG
Bed: The Loft - Stephanie bed


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