06 December 2009

My Night in SL 34/365

Tonight was spent doing exactly the kind of things I love in SL. It mostly involved my friends and just chilling talking to one of my fave people in SL.

This is my RL and SL friend, Papaya, who celebrated her RL birthday in SL Thursday. Happy Birthday again, Sister!

I know this is lame, but one of my other fave things to do is push the limits in SL. This is lame because it's not really pushing any limits, but it is canoeing in a short dress and a feather boa! (told you it was lame, what do you want from me?)

Me and Bon just kicking back and talking the night away. =) My fave part of the night.

=) Bon is one of my best friend in SL. We've had our ups and downs, but we always seem to come back around to each other. Lucky us! ;)

Below is new hair from Maitreya! Get there fast before they're all gone!

Sweet dreams!


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