23 December 2009

Thank you Content Creators and Designers! 52/365

The Holiday Spirit of giving is alive and well in SL, thanks to so many Content Creators and Fashion Designers. I am amazed at the quality and generosity of so many people this year. I don't have the time to show off everything in this post, but hopefully after the holidays. Until then, a huge thank you to all of you for the gifts.

(Joonie is practicing so you better watch out!)

And to my friends in SL, I wish you a very warm, fun holiday and a Happy New Year. Love you all and am grateful for you. Thanks for being so supportive of me this past year through all my silly dramas. You make my slife a better place!  *hugs*



  1. In fact. It's you who has made my life better. Due to this I wish you the very best new year someone can imagine. You deserve it. Hugs:


  2. Joonie, big holiday hugs to you! Your honesty, steady presence, and fun loving spirit are a blessing in all worlds! Thanks for touching so many so well.

    Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010 to you!

    Love you JJ!


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