27 December 2009

Unwrapping Presents 55/365

Christmas in SL is an amazing time. Gifts from so many people; designers and friends. Yesterday, I logged in to find a gift from my friend, Ted. We don't see each other much. We actually met on Plurk back when I was a Plurk Whore. (have the tee to prove it!) I thought it was so sweet that he remembered me and sent a gift.

I rezzed the gift and it was a big poster of Ted, looking all cute and yummy with nice warm holiday greetings. Awwww....how very ....wait! What's this? I leaned in and looked a little closer. hmm....there was a warning above it that said...(in an ominous tone)...OPEN ME FOR A GIFT, IF YOU DARE! I wanted my gift, so I opened it!

Whoaaaaa! What is this? It was named "Snow Daddy." When I rezzed it, its name changed to "Joonie's Popsicle."  eeekk....it has a sit animation!!  Do I dare? Of course!!

EeeeKkkk! I looked on in horror as Joonie began humping Mr. Snow Daddy!!  It was hilarious! Thanks Ted! I'll be sure to return the favor next year!  That Ted is so thoughtful. LMAO!



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