02 January 2010

Once in a Blue Moon 61/365

Fear. That's the next topic I'll blog...I think. LOL But tonight imma celebrate the Full Moon and be grateful for what I have.

I'm so glad I have met the people I have. Each of you have taught me lessons I'll never forget. *Now get the f*** outta my 2010. Thank you.

*Added because it just felt right at the time..like a punchline I couldn't pass up, ya know? But not what I wanted to say.

Hindsight and all that.....


  1. I found it very funny, as I would hope anyone who knows you would!!Also, I didn't believe you. :D

    xoxo, PDV

  2. I miss our wonderful talks, so i am glad you took that back Joonie ;-) Take care, and let me know when youre ready (winks to your januari 2nd item)


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