08 January 2010

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Street? 66/365

To get to the other side. (old joke...no really...very old. but there's a reason for it, honest!)

See, I love bridges. This is me standing on one at my new home. (yep, another story for another time..LOL) But I doooo love them. They are metaphors, in a way, for when you want to leave one situation and go to a different one, even when you aren't quite ready yet. The bridge connects the two, but staying on the bridge until I'm ready is not, for me, a bad thing. While there I can think about what went "wrong" at the previous location and can hopefully take what I've learned into the next place. But the bridge...ahhh...the bridge. What a wonderful place to be. I find I'm in too much of a hurry to get from one thing/place/person to the next. I think I'll stay on the bridge for a while. Think about what I've learned and where I want to go from here. And take care of myself better. Thanks for reading! *hugs* See ya on the other side of the street...after the bridge, of course! =D



  1. I love this post! I never thought of bridges that way, but you are so right! I think I'm standing in front of a bridge. I don't really feel like stepping on it, because it looks very shaky and I'm scared I'm going to fall or that it will break underneath me, but there's no other way to go. Unless I just keep standing right in front of it, but who'd do that?

  2. Thanks B! I think the difficulty in stepping onto the bridge is it means we're walking away from something...admitting it didn't work out the way you had thought or hoped. So that part kinda sux. But if I don't step onto the bridge, I'll forever stay in that thing that doesn't really exist anymore. LOL hope that made some kind of sense!

    I love that we always seem to understand what the other is talking about. *hugs*

  3. Joonie, this was awesome for me to read because I find the bridge verrrrry uncomfortable. I always think if I can just hurry to the other side and then get on with it, things will be better. But your post is about sitting with what is. I am terrible at that but you make me want to re think it. :)

    Great post, JJ!


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