03 March 2010

[BUTT-ERR] New Store Location on Harold-Starlust 101/365

I've made no secret that I love Becca Beebe and her awesome tees at her store [BUTT-ERR] and now there's even more reason to celebrate. She's opened a second location on Starlust!

Tonight I dropped by Becca's new store and there are close to 50 tees there! Also a giftie right inside the store.
I know I've blogged this tee and been asked about it all everytime I wear it on the grid. I absolutely love it. And there are more!
Below are a few more of her awesome tees that I couldn't live without.

Love this one. He loves me. He loves me not. Pfft..who cares. But it's sooo cute I had to have it.

hehehe! Adorable.

"I love how you make me laugh when I don't even want to smile"
If we're lucky, we have people in our SLives like this. =)

And she doesn't just make tees.
So go check out the store [BUTT-ERR] at the main store and at the new location!

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