08 March 2010

Decisions 105/365

Some are easy to make. Others not so much.

I hope I've made the right one.


  1. If you listened to your gut, you did.

    Big hugs JJ!
    Love you!

  2. A good friend, some years ago, showed me that to lead means to take decisions. This can be applied to our life too. Sometimes we succeed, but sometimes we mistake, but the real problem would be if we stop taking them.

    It's easy to judge decisions when you already know the results, but they should be judged at the moment they were taken.

    The results of our decisions are sometimes a question of luck. Our decisions by themselves are a consequence of our strength.

    And you are very strong.


  3. Trouble, thank you so much. I try to be strong. I'm not always successful. Sometimes I feel a little bit paralyzed not knowing what is best. But it feels good to make a decision and move forward.



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