14 March 2010

Out of the rain....

...comes Rainbows!

Sappy huh... I know. Joonie's losing her edge. Not that she really every had one....but she has a dark side. Today was a particularly crappy day for Joonie in SL. Her own fault really.

Anyway, when I tp'd home before logging out, my most awesome sauce landlord had put out this rainbow out over the entire sim. I love her sometimes. I love when people do things that make the day better by doing some little something that makes a difference without them even knowing it. It might seem like a small thing to them, but it can be just what is needed at that moment.

I hope I can be or do that for someone. But not today. Today.....sucked. But soon today will be tomorrow. And I get to start over and try to get it right.

ni ni
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