18 March 2010

Sooo Sick of Green

So I'm wearing black!

I decided to do an experiment involving ...and not involving...breast enhancement. I wear Curio skins most of the time. Because Gala hasn't created breast enhancements as an option on her skins, so far, most of us who wear Curio skins go to *Linc* and purchase one there. At least, that's what I did. I've worn it ever since I bought it and never really gave it another thought, until tonight when I was taking pics.

Above is Joonie WITHOUT breast enhancement.

Below is Joonie WITH breast enhancement. (as if you needed to be told that)

I dunno. I think I like the one without enhancement. *shrug* Enough boobage talk. On with what I'm wearing so this can in some way resemble a fashion post. ;)

Skin - Curio Elf
Hair - Maitreya Nimue
Eyes - BA (no longer available)
Dress - Church of Luxe (CoL)  Jenna in Pitch (no longer available) But..Lo Jacobs has opened a new store (Luster) at the Tableau sim. Check it out. LUSTER
Sandals - Shiny Things Boho Sandals in Black
Necklace/Earrings - Earthstones Harmony Ball

JJ (with and without enhancements)


  1. I think you look 100% better without the boob "enhancement." I really dislike the pancake boob look that is so popular now.

  2. Ok Joonie, you know I won't pass up a chance to talk about boobs. lol. Without question, you look far better without the enhancements.


  3. Thanks you two. Glad to see you agree =)

  4. I have to agree... Definitely without. There's too much else to like.

  5. Braden...thank you for your sweet comment. =)

    And it's unanimous! My boobs need no enhancement! LOL

    YAY! ;-)


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