23 March 2010


Lots of things have been rumbling around in my head lately. Unfortunately, or fortunately maybe, it's too late and I'm too sleepy to even attempt a post that sounds slightly insightful or intelligent. So here's another blatantly self promoting pic of ME. 

I will say that lately I have been playing it very safe in SL. I think I always have kind of colored within the lines since I rezzed 3.5 yrs ago. I've had my difficult times and have run into a bit of drama...but I usually just walk away from it rather than indulging in it.

Lately I've been wanting to stir things up a bit. No, not the pot so to speak, but Joonie. Joonie is stuck in a rut as far as how she looks and what she wears and what she does with her time in SL. So, of course, Joonie is getting bored. And when Joonie gets bored, she does stupid things.

You know what they say...no boring times just boring people. I have to agree. So boring and bored Joonie is going to come up with something new. No idea what yet. Hopefully not too stupid.

Until then, this will have to do. Joonie in black feeling a bit emo. But just a bit. No razor blades need to be hidden. In fact, Joonie is feeling awesome lately. I think she's finally returned to herself 100%. I know, that took forfreakingevah! But the emotional toll that SL can dish out has surprised no one more that it did me. Had I known what treacherous waters I was stumbling into...well to be honest....I would have just kept on stumbling into them. It was fun while it was fun.

Here's to more fun! Only this time....it will really be fun.  follow? I didn't think so. Me either.



  1. Hello Joonie, I love your shirt/dress :) please tell about the credits. Thank you!

  2. Thanks Chiara.

    The dress is from Bare Rose called Jazmin.


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