25 April 2010

Lean On Me

It's always good to have a friend you can sit on....I mean lean on. Thanks Shad!

The other day I was feeling all waah waah about things (I know right?) and I just happened to be doing the 50L Friday shopping spree. One of the vendors didn't have her item out, so she was standing in her shop apologizing. What a sweetie! She had this tat on that said " I make lots of mistakes." I immediately loved it and asked where she got it. She found it at Aitui. I couldn't get there fast enough. LOL
Here it is in all its glory. Nice way to say "I fk'd up" and to remind myself that as perfect as I might appear *cough cough* I still have things to learn. :)  Thanks for loving me anyway!


Aitui Tats
pic taken at Tableau
Hair - Truth Sienna2 in champagne
Skin - Curio Elf in Sundust (Soot 1)


  1. Aww...don't be so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes.
    You have a fun blog, so take heart in the fact that you made someone smile today reading your posts!

  2. Hang in there kiddo. We're all learning here...

  3. Awesome tat! Mistakes are how we learn. I sometimes feel I need remedial education!! LOL. The cool thing about you Joonie is you are willing to name it, claim it, and move on, trying to do things differently. I love that, and I want to be more like that. I just want to take my ball and go home and not play anymore! You are a good role model!!
    Love you JJ!

  4. Dannah - tysm for your sweet comment! =) Just what I needed to hear.

    Cov - you know dats right! Old Man ;)

    PDV - Aww you!thanks for always being so supportive of me! =)


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