03 May 2010


Warning: Joonie is going to wax all melancholy....maybe

SL can be many things. For me, it's always been about the beauty found there. I'm drawn to beauty. I'm not sure why. The dark and dirty side of life holds no appeal for me. Perhaps because in RL, I have experienced that already. So SL, for me, gives me an escape...a place to go where I can choose beauty amid all the darkness.

The darkness doesn't scare me. I know it well. I just know where it leads and I have no need to go there again. Sometimes it's inescapable. But the choice is always there to stay or to find your way back to the beauty. I will always choose beauty over darkness. Whether it is in the form of emotion, pixels, or love.

We are faced with choices every second of every day. The choices we choose today make up our tomorrows. Take care of yourself by making choices you can live with today.

Enough of my 2 cents of vague meanderings. Choose beauty. You won't be disappointed.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. /me likee. "You are the window through which you must see the world." Enjoy the view.

  3. Joonie,awesome post and beautiful photo. I think is was Emerson who said something about carrying the beautiful with us or "We find it not." That is why you are drawn to the beauty--it's in you already :)



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