18 May 2010

Female Archetypes

I haven't blogged in a bit due to lack of inspiration. Tonight, my muse appeared and I followed where I was lead. This is where I ended up. I hope to explore more the notion of the female archetypes, who they are, and how we view them. I won't give too much information on my opinion of each image, at least not specifically. There will be a story behind each one. But it is my story. Feel free to create your own from the images.

Skin: Curio Battle Royale - Gashed 2 in Sundust
Hair: Truth Leono - snow
Outfit: LaPointe Immortal Black Raven
Earrings: BastChild Designs - Silver Red Pearl Twist Cross Earrings
Piercings: (Medley) Shadow Piercing - Random Set (hunt gift)
Tat: Snatch - The Hunger - Forever

Location:  Lost World


  1. WOW! Beyond hotness. MORE MORE MORE!!! Can I say I love you without making anyone angry?

  2. ...Sanjoonya the warrior queen pauses during a brief lull in the battle to mourn; for her comrades in arms to be sure, but mostly for the innocents. The hundreds of children, now Lykan, who had to be slaughtered to preserve the sanctity of the bloodline. She takes a knee by her father's sword and, overcome with melancholy, she weeps. Her own innocence now irreparably shattered, she wonders if she will ever be happy again... She can only take comfort now in the knowledge that she is loved. Loved beyond the normal reaches of the mortal soul. Loved with a passion that will will endure even this affront to her humanity. Yes. This too shall pass...

  3. Joonie looks phenomenal! I love the evocative setting too...there is definitely sadness and loss and an honoring of what went on here, but also a sense of strength, acceptance, and possibility of renewal. This is painful, but definitely not the end. My facvorite part (Besides JJ, of course,) is the faint but constant stars.

    I can't wait to see where your muse takes you next!!


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