21 May 2010

Queen of Hot Balls

A few days ago my friend and landlord, Liz Gealach, celebrated her RL birthday. Liz is one of the nicest, most creative and fun avatars on the grid. And I love her. Unfortunately, I missed the festivities celebrating her birthday. Imagine my surprise when I logged in and found this little gem in my inventory!

See, even thought it was Liz's birthday, she gave out gifts! Finally, I get to be in a parade, and as the Queen of Balls, no less!

Liz is the ultimate Queen of All Things, but on this day she was honored as the Queen of Hot Balls. There was even a commemorative medal adorning the front of the float in honor of her "Perfect 300" bowling score! Go Liz! The chauffeur was none other than....

Could it be? The King of Hot Balls? Yes! Yes! I think it is! Probably here to award Liz the Linden Prize, as mentioned in my previous post, for her contribution to both lives for her ability to bowl a "Perfect 300." That certainly inspires me!

Happy Birthday, Liz! *smooch*

Til next time!


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