19 June 2010

BBBC 2010 - Topic 6 (What Did It All Mean?)

What did you get out of your experience? Do you think it will change the way you blog in the future?

I got the sense of community out of the experience. 95 blogs participating compared to the 25 the first year. Amazing. And awesome. It's great to be a part of such smart, creative people all sharing our perspective on Second Life.

Will I change my blog in the future? Probably not. My blog is like Joonie. You never know what you're going to get. But..there are some fantastic blogs out there. Reading them I sometimes thought..."oooh that's cool. Wish I'd done that." But the cool thing about blogging is we get to make it our own. yay!!

Thank you so much, Ali, for doing this.....getting us all together and coming up with the topics. And thanks to everyone who participated and making this the best BBBC yet. Here's to next year!

thanks for reading =)

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