08 June 2010

The One Where Joonie Walks Away

Walking away can be very empowering. A step in the right direction...a decision finally made. Choosing yourself. And never looking back. When something goes terribly awry there's not much left to do but try to put it back together. Sometimes it's irrepairably damaged. Like an old favorite vase; all the pieces scattered across the floor. At first, it's horrifying. Staring in utter disbelief. Like standing in a surreal painting...watching all the pieces shatter and fall all around you in slow motion. And then the weirdest thing happens. The realization that you aren't going to miss that old vase. That it never really fit in with what you wanted. It was just sitting around collecting dust. Now that it's gone, you can find what you really want. But the vase served a purpose. It let you know what you didn't want and what you know you deserve. So Joonie has swept up the pieces and thrown them in the trash. She knows that, no matter what happens next, she feels much lighter now.

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