16 July 2010

Shelter by Ayden Kruh

Shelter by Ayden Kruh


  1. Is Ayden still in SL? I have not seen a show announcement in ages. He is totally amazing and I would love to catch him again.

  2. No, Ches, unfortunately he isn't back...to my knowledge. But I miss him and his music so much that I have to listen to him on myspace every once in a while. Today was just one of those days.

    He is totally amazing. I would say one of the top 5 musicians in SL. (I'd say best but I might get into trouble) ;)

  3. Oh..and you have to listen to I'm Leaving You...if you click on the link. Perfect song. =) You'll see. LOL

  4. He showed back up in SL for about a minute in a new avi - Jaymes Faith - & left just as quickly.

    Its torture to have just those few songs on My Space to listen to. What an amazing talent.

  5. The man behind Aydens music can be found here http://www.davechatel.com

    He's been so busy making music in the real world that he had to leave SL behind.

    Lucky are those who live in his area and can here those wonderful songs often.

  6. blah blah blah..whatever.

    me? jealous? lol

    Thanks for the link...you must gave searched his name cos this is an old old post.



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