26 July 2010

Summer of Love Fair #6 - Addiction and Dependency

"It’s important to note that addiction has nothing to do with either a lack of willpower or intelligence; people with addiction problems often have above-average quantities of both."


*What is addiction?*

Addiction destroys lives. It affects not only the people who suffer from it, but also the family and friends who are close. It’s important to note that addiction has nothing to do with either a lack of willpower or intelligence; people with addiction problems often have above-average quantities of both. It’s also important to remember that the words addiction, dependence and dependency are all referring to similar patterns of behavior, whether it be physical addiction or emotional dependency. For many, it simply starts as a way of coping with emotions. Or it may have started with peer pressure. Regardless of the reason for the start, or the type of addiction, it eventually gets out of control with time and the result is a lower quality of life.

*How do you know if you are addicted?*

For example, if you find that you have a strong desire or compulsion to drink, difficulty in controlling the amount you drink, develop withdrawal symptoms if you stop and must start drinking again to relieve them, develop a tolerance to alcohol and need more and more to achieve the same effect, lose interest in other things that used to give you pleasure, and/or are unable to stop drinking despite the negative effects it is having on your life, there is a good chance you have developed an addiction. But alcohol is not the only thing people can develop dependencies or addictions to. It could be prescription or illegal drugs, tobacco, gambling, eating, internet, gaming or working just to name a few. Anything can be subject to addiction and become a compulsive behavior you can't seem to escape from doing. It becomes part of your life as if you completely ''depend'' on it for survival. It becomes addiction when it gets out of control, when your life is at its mercy. It becomes the main focus and everything else is neglected. That is usually when addicts starts to lose control of their life and where they begin to think about stopping the vicious circle.

*How do addicts stop?*

For many, it takes a serious realisation of how greatly it is affecting their lives – a veritable ‘rock-bottom’. Depending on the addiction, it may be a number of things – a loved one leaving or financial ruin. At this stage, the addict may try and take matters into his or her own hands and try to cut down or stop their addiction. More often than not, this doesn’t work, and this is the time when the addict will seek outside help from other people and/or organisations.

*What can you do to help a loved one suffering?*

The most important things you can do is to remain positive and urge the person suffering to seek help for their problem. Remember that once the decision is made to seek help – the faster it happens, the more likely the afflicted will be successful in overcoming their addiction.

*Where can I find information/seek help?*


addaction –  http://www.addaction.org.uk/ – Drug and alcohol treatment charity

AddictionsUK –  http://www.addictionsuk.com/ – Home-based addiction treatment

Addiction Today –  http://www.addictiontoday.org/ – For a free list of treatment centres

Adfam –  http://www.adfam.org.uk/ - Help and advice for families affected by drugs and alcohol

Alcohol Concern –  http://www.alcoholconcern.org.uk/ – Agency campaigning for improved services for those affected by alcohol-related problems

Alcoholics Anonymous –   http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/ – Support group
The Alliance –  http://www.m-alliance.org.uk/ – Advice on drug treatments

Beating Addictions –  http://www.beatingaddictions.co.uk/ – Advice on how to overcome addiction

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) –  www.bacp.co.uk – For a list of therapists
Drinkaware –  http://www.drinkaware.co.uk/ – Facts and information on alcohol

DrugScope –  http://www.drugscope.org.uk/ – Information and resources. Has a database of local drug and alcohol treatments and services

UK Drugsline –  http://www.drugsline.org/ – Independent drugs crisis, information and support charity

Frank –   http://www.talktofrank.com/ – Advice, information and support on substance misuse

Gamblers Anonymous –  http://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk/ – Support group

Hope UK –  http://www.hopeuk.org/ – Drug education charity that enables young people to make drug-free choices

Mind –  http://www.mind.org.uk/ – Mind helps people take control of their mental health. We do this by providing high-quality information and advice, and campaigning to promote and protect good mental health for everyone.

National Association for Children of Alcoholics –  http://www.nacoa.org.uk/ – Information, advice and support for children of alcoholics

National Drug Prevention Alliance –  drugprevent.org.uk – Promotes drug prevention

Release –  http://www.release.org.uk/ – Drugs, the law and human rights; help and information

Smokefree –  smokefree.nhs.uk – Support for quitting smoking

Turning Point –  http://www.turning-point.co.uk/ – Social care organisation for those with complex needs

United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) –  http://www.psychotherapy.org.uk/ – For a list of therapists


The Partnership for a Drug-Free America -  http://www.drugfree.org/ - Drug prevention, drug abuse, drug intervention, drug treatment, and recovery. Guidance, tips and stories.

Join Together -  http://www.jointogether.org/ - Advancing effective alcohol and drug policy, prevention, and treatment.

Alcoholics Anonymous -  http://www.aa.org/

Narcotics Anonymous -  http://www.na.org/

Substance Abuse Solutions -  http://www.substanceabusesolutions.com/ - Online directory for substance abuse centers in North America
**Remember that the internet is a great source of information, but before starting any treatment, refer to the psychological association of your country. They are here to help, give you information on where to find reliable professionnals that are well train to give treatments on each particular dependency.**

Joonie is wearing:

NiCO - Ileana (Purchased at Summer of Love Fair - absolutely gorgeous)
Hair - Maitreya Green II
Skin - Curio Battle Royale - Sundust


  1. Excellent Joonie. I bookmarked your post as a reference. I know someone who has a fair amount of control, but definitely has a problem. I'll send her the link next time.

  2. hi Casandra...so nice to see you here =) I hope your friend finds it helpful. The Summer of Love Fair has some great information there and I went broke buying all the amazing creations! lol


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