17 September 2010

Bummed Again!

So my friend, Rik, has been on vacation and wanted me to decorate his house while he was gone. Since he's coming home in 2 days and I haven't done anything yet, I thought I'd go look around today for furniture and stuff. So far....a fairly innocuous start to the day....or so it would seem.

The first store I went to sent out this little goodie a few minutes after arrival:

[08:02] blah blah Furniture whispers: Hello Joonie Jatho :) welcome to blah blah Furniture. Please give us a minut until everything is loaded. Please no nudity or attached body parts. Let's keep our public chat PG. Thank you and enjoy your visit. Questions? send a note card to blah blah creator

So okay. It's too bad that seems to be necessary, but I get it. And as a consumer, I appreciate it. And too bad they feel like they have to send that out upon arrival, but okay.

This store has three levels, and tp'd in on the level that has rugs. Not where I wanted to start, so down the stairs I went to the living room furniture. There were only 3 sets, but they were all nice. I was looking for something in dark wood for Rik, and of the three, only one set was dark, but it was black. The other one was kind of a light grey color. As I was wondering if something like that would work, a man appeared and just stood there. Great. Didn't he get the message?

I ignored him and continued my internal convo about grey vesus black and whether or not they would do when, a few minutes later, the man said hello. Things took an amusing turn afterwards...

[08:10] bb creator: Hi Joonie
[08:10] You: hello bb
[08:10] bb creator: I work here if you need help
[08:11] You: no i'm fine
[08:11] You: thank you
[08:11] bb creator: Alright Your welcome
[08:11] You: is it okay that I'm here?
[08:11] bb creator: yes long as your clothes are on lol
[08:11] You: pfft
[08:11] bb creator: as we are not an adult sim
[08:11] You: omg
[08:12] You: you feel the need to tell me that?
[08:12] bb creator: I do s we get many whothink t hey can run nude here lol
[08:12] You: i understand that
[08:13] You: there was a message sent out already
[08:13] You: and signs posted everywhere
[08:13] You: and I am dressed like it's the Siberian winter

After this, he turns and walks away. But first he makes some comment about how the good looking women don't need his help. huh? An attempt to clean up after his boorish behaviour? Fine. Sure, some of the furniture had sex poseballs, but I hadn't even sat on a piece of furniture, much less tried them out!

Gaaaaah! The bastard left me no choice! Why do people make me do these things!

Really should have tried out the 'masturbate' pose for this shot. Oh well. hahahaha!  And do NOT IM me asking for the LM to this store! :p
Have fun out there!
*oh! and when I im'd him asking about his living room furniture selection, he didn't respond! Must have been bummed...at my bum*   hehe


  1. Rik has just been reading this and hurries home as fast as he can! But a traffic jam in Germany is delaying him terribly! Joonie, tp me!!

  2. Finally had a chance to get my Joonie fix! Hilarious post!! Brought a smile to my face this gloomy, rainy Sunday morning. :)

    My favorite part...
    [08:13] You: and I am dressed like it's the Siberian winter. hahahahaha


  3. LMAO Joonie! This post cracked me up start to finish. Joonie looks fabulous in her Siberian winter outfit!!

    Thank you for making me laugh and for reminding me that all the idiots in the the world make me look pretty normal!! LOL



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