08 September 2010

Goodbye Emerald...Hello everyone else

So Emerald is history...officially. Went out without much fanfare. For me, it was almost a relief. I was surprised at my own anger and sadness over the whole thing. Me <3 Emerald. I know...I'm a terrible, uninformed lover of drama and bad code boiz. Whatever. I loved it and didn't really give a crap about how "malicious" it was. So shun me and call me names. Don't care.

Now the question is:  What viewer to use.

I tried Phoenix and it hates me. Tried to change my Graphics/Hardware Options to match what I had in Emerald and my screen (Anisoptropic filtering checked. Antialiasing - 8x) went black and glowy. Changed Graphics to Ultra and was super fugly. Crashed every 10 mins. And was super laggy! But I think my experience is the exception, not the rule. And I think they're aware and working on it.

Tried Kirsten because I use the above settings for help with my photos. It was too frustrating. Very 2.0 like. I might try it again when I have more time and some Xanax.

Briefly tried Imprudence. Looks clean and easy and really loved the font. But I'll wait until it has more features like Emerald. Maybe. I liked the feel of it, tho. Hard to explain. I will use it again.

So for now, I'm on Emergence...waiting for more time to play around with the other viewers and for the promised fixes to Phoenix.

Many thanks to the bad, malicious devs at Emerald. Long may you reign. Just sayin'...without you guys, there would be no Phoenix. Now go play nice, k?

Imprudence:  http://imprudenceviewer.org/
Emergence:  http://code.google.com/p/emergence-viewer/
Phoenix:  http://www.phoenixviewer.com/
Kirsten:  http://www.kirstensviewer.com/

Have fun!

Oh...and Modavia Fashion Week starts tomorrow!  http://slurl.com/secondlife/MODAVIA%20II/128/128/2

If you haven't been to the Unicef Project Donate (Project Donate, started to help fund UNICEF Pakistan Flood Crisis) you should go check it out:  http://slurl.com/secondlife/Project%20Donate/131/124/27
Also, Designers United is still going on:   http://slurl.com/secondlife/Floyd/196/27/23
And of course, Hair Fair:  http://slurl.com/secondlife/Hair%20Fair%202/159/128/25


1 comment:

  1. Hi:) my comment comes a little late, but thank you so much for your opinion on the different alternatives for Emerald. It will be difficult to find and get used to a replacer for the unbeatable Emerald, your little kind of guide will help:) Rik


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