24 September 2010

New Truth Hair 092410 !

"The truth is that life is delicious, horrible, charming, frightful, sweet,
bitter, and that is everything." ~Anatole France

Rayvn in Champagne - love the split pony. falls perfectly. love the strands of hair that escape the pin on the right side. God and the Devil are both in the details. Which one do you think this is? For me, it's these small details that make Truth hair standout above the rest.

Kelsey in Champagne - gorgeous, smexy. Love the small tendril that falls forward on the left side

Maya in Champagne - has two flower options with 12 colors each, including a "turn off" option. Also comes in upper and lower styles with color change on each so you can have different lengths and different colors. Amazing options on this one hair.
What? Why are you still here? Goooooo! Shop and be beautiful! lol
Truth Hair Limo *hands you a mojito*

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