08 October 2010

Spookyville...Is OPEN! Are you afraid?

My friend, Chely Lock, has created a spooky sim, Spookyville, for us to die in...erm...enjoy! Will be live music, as well. For a taste of blood ... um...fun, view below! Also, read the notecard below the vid for more info!  TP HERE!

Spookyville - SecondLife from Mozy Pera on Vimeo.

Welcome to Spookyville Halloween sim !!

Just a few short notes to make your visit more enjoyable:
- set your environment to foggy or ghost or something eerie ,(its under world - Environment settings -sky settings ) ps: send me any good photos you take on the sim
- the sim has some interactive displays around it , so click on graves or beds or cobwebs etc and see what they do :)
- There is a skeleton that you can shoot somewhere on the sim , see if you can find him and get your free pumpkin gun out of the freebie box located beside him , its kinda fun :)
- the tree trunks with ladders sticking out are teleports to different locations on the sim and in the sky .

My sim is always under construction because I like to add things or change things , so come back again during October and see .

I have live music booked on Sat the 9th at 8 pm slt , Maximillion Kleene in Club Le'Casket in the sky , its the grand opening of the sim , also on October 30th starting at 6 pm slt we have David Csiszer , 7pm slt TwinGhost Ronas and Maximillion Kleene at 8 pm slt in the Haunted Brothel ..... with back up band "Baaaad to Da Bones "

More music might be added during the month so watch events - live music for listings and times :)
Have fun and have a very Spooktabulous Halloween and October !!

Chely Lock

Thank you to all who helped me these last few weeks and thank you to all the builders I bought my halloween stuff from for the sim, and thank you to all the musicians who play here - I appreciate you all a lot :) big hugzzzz

Stay tuned!


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