18 January 2011

Is it worth the price?

Have you ever felt like you were in over your head?
That what lies ahead might be more than you can handle?
But you just can't turn around?
And in the process you lose your left hand?

Me too. I hate when that happens.

dress: tomoto


  1. "You can say what you want
    Find the path that you’ve lost somewhere
    Be a fly on the wall
    Take a dive or a fall in prayer
    Everyday there’s a choice
    nothing gained from the path we know
    There the ones to be wrong
    Hiding all of the stars out there"

    I've felt exactly like you feel now lots of times... and I'm all the better for it. You will be fine, more than fine. =)

    P.S. I'm glad I'm right handed =)

  2. LOL Joonie, such a gorgeous, evocative photo and a philosphical musing to match...and then...the left hand. You crack me up. And, you will have to walk into that dark place between the trees, you know, to answer those serious questions. It will all be OK though! :)
    Love you JJ!

  3. Joonie,

    You make me smile so much! You start off with 3 lines, so serious, and so just how I feel right now, in over my head.

    And then you loose your left hand:-)

    Maybe I can find my left hand again soon.


  4. Just wanted to let you know someone out there is always thinking of you and wishing you well. Deep breaths...



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