05 March 2011

::AB:: Oversized Knit Couch for SBS (Super Bargain Saturday)

Clementine Ishtari has recently redesigned her store and, as expected, it is adorkble! She has a new release for Super Bargain Saturday which starts...Saturday @ midnight slt. The new Oversized Knit Couch was made to go with the previously released Oversized Knit Chair. It can hold up to 3 people with 12 single sit animations and also features 8 couple animations. It also has a texture change pillow with 6 different texture options.

I love the textures and the way Clem took the extra time to make the cushions look so comfy and perfect. Makes me want to run and jump onto the couch from about 5 yards back! Want to join me? Love this! ftw!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome looking sofa Joonie! This is the couch we should all be coming home to at the end of the day. The poses are great, and the pics are wonderful,as always. Love the set up with the gorgeous wood floor and the serene art.

    Great post as always Joon!


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