18 March 2011

FFL - Vanitas Vesture & **BE**

Fashion for Life benefitting Relay for Life (in case you've been living in a cave) ends this weekend. There's rumor of a possible sale. But it's all just rumor at the moment. Let's hope some generous designers jump on board and it actually happens. In the meantime, check out the designers below.

FFL-Vanitas Vesture- Meticulous Pencil Skirt in Olive, Nervous Blouse in Gold
FFL-Amacci Hair - Suzy


**BE**  Pretty

**BE** Carla
TP to the Central Sim (Avedon) and walk East to the Directory
Amacci is locate on the Mapplethorpe sim
Vanitas Vestures is on the Bourke White sim
**BE** is on the Shulman sim

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your great coverage and comments. Love how you gave people directions!


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