15 April 2011

AM Radio - The Quiet: Further Away and Further Apart

So I recieved the following group notice the other day:

Dear Friends,

I know there are folks who visit my sims daily, weekly, or monthly and that these spaces have become a part of their experience in Second Life. I am announcing the closing of my spaces 6 months in advance so that it won't come as a surprise, drama, or rumor.
It is merely the end of a series of artworks. I continue to paint, sketch, photograph and write about my time here on this little rock collection that's spinning and hurtling through space.

IDIA Labs of Ball State University has been gracious to host my work without demand or requirement. The sunsetting of the IDIA Lab sim is the result of positive and thoughtful input from IDIA, myself, and many of you.
I have archived the work already, and I appreciate the impulse to want to save the work.
The work though was as social as any avatar in SL, making friends with many of you and enabling so many positive experiences many of you have let me know about. ALL OF YOU are what the artwork really was. It isn't in the prims, the textures, or scripts. It was in your willingness to explore and experience the world in a way I tried to share it. My time in SL has been like having hundreds of people analyzing my dreams every morning. I have learned so much about many of you, but truly learned so much about myself.

Please feel free to continue to visit. Please encourage anyone you know who will miss the spaces to visit them with you. See my picks in my profile for landmarks.
The extent of my estate is a foothold by the water. All are welcome to the inifinite within it.

AM Radio

Made me really sad. AM's places evoke all kinds of emotions and memories for me. I visited frequently and with people I still care deeply for. Some I've lost touch with but still live in my heart. Others are some of my best friends. So I thought this would be a good time to take some pics of these places that have come to mean so much to me inworld. You still have time to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful, JJ!! In RL I am glad winter is over but these photos evoke so much peace and silence. Ahhhhhhhh. Love the new look too--of Joonie and of the blog. Awesome all the way around!!


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