17 May 2011

Giving Up the Ghost

Sometimes, doing what you know you need to do is difficult. Even when its been needed for a while. Even when you KNOW it needs to be done. It's funny how you just know something, but can't prove it. And then...by accident...you find the proof that validates what you've been thinking all along.

Once the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, there aren't many choices left. So "off with their heads," decrees the Queen. And roll it does. But not without some hurt feelings, a sense of betrayal, and just an icky "how could I have been so stupid" feeling. Below are some helpful suggestions to make this transition period a bit easier to handle.

Get out of the house!

Resist the urge to isolate yourself. If you just can’t bear to be around people, at least go outside and walk around the block, get some fresh air.

Let Go

Let go of the hurtful past. It will only hinder you from creating and cherishing the precious moments in your life.


This too shall pass. Hold on and hope that tomorrow will bring more than sunshine…even some joy!

Those are great suggestions regardless of what's going on in our lives. Good luck with them!  Now get outside! <3


  1. Hugs to you Joonie! The advice is perfect for lots of situations--not always easy to do, but it works. Love the photo/caption, too.

    I want to add something tho--the only person who hasn't at some point said "how could I have been so stupid" at the end of something is the person who hasn't ever opened their heart. Pat yourself on the back for taking the risk. :)

    Love you big, JJ!

  2. Pinky..you are so sweet and I am so lucky to have you as my bestie. <3

    It's hard to feel that way when you're hurting, but I know what you say is true. =)


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