23 May 2011

Road Trip!

So this post is going to have NOTHING to do with SL ... exactly. I'm really exhausted but i'm on a road trip to Denver. Tonight, I'm staying in Hay, KS. My poor doggie, Molly, is sleeping in the car because this stupid Best Western doesn't accept pets. Oh well. She's in her crate and the doors are locked and the windows are down an inch, so I hope she's okay.

RFL Home Expo is over. I'm exhausted and really needed this vacay. I'll be in Denver for 10 days. I have to admit I'm kind of excited about not being in SL for a while. I mean, I'll have wifi, but I've spent the last 10 days in SL for like 8 - 10 hours at a time. My butt is still numb!

So Hope. Well, interesting things seem to happen to me while I'm doing RFL Events, especially in the realm of relationships. Suffice it to say, some interesting information was revealed and it confirmed, beyond a shadow of doubt, what I suspected for a while. So why Hope? I guess I'm hopeful that tomorrow and next week and the days ahead are full of adventure and wisdom and ... hope. Hope for some self love. Hope for the ability to choose more wisely how I spend my time. Hope that love finds a way and wins in the end. I guess I'm a hopeless romantic and never give up on the belief that love, real love, makes everything right.

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