13 June 2011

New Truth Hair - June & Danni

The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. -Eminem
Two awesome styles this time. June is a smexy style with two bang options. Danni is a cute for Summer style. Enjoy!

June & June2 in Cherry

Danni in champagne

11 June 2011

{what next} Pied-a-Terre Chaise for Chic's 1 Year Birthday!

Winter Thorn and FrankLee Anatra have done it again. This new chaise from {what next} is an exclusive to CHIC's 1st birthday event which runs until June 19th. I absolutely adore this chaise. It has soooo many animations available (see below) and the color change combinations are to die for.

The color combinations are endless. I'm not kidding, I played around with these for longer than I want to admit. Gorgeous rich colors. Because of it's versatility, this chaise fits in with any decor.

One of the the things I most adore about {what next} are the amazing animations. There are 3 areas on the chaise that provide animations: the front pillow, the first cushion, and the end cushion. Each area has up to 4 sit animations for singles - male and female, and couples - male and female. That's up to 36 total animations. Actually, there's more! Below I've captured just a few of my faves.

Single Female Sits:

Single Male Sits (so hard to find good ones. these rock):

Friend Poses:

Couple Poses (I love the reading one):

The {what next} Pied-a Terre Chaise is only available at Chic's 1 Year Birthday celebration through June 19th, so don't put off going! There are some really amazing things available there. And we all know what awesome things Keira Seerose has done on the grid for a while now. Go help her and her crew celebrate!
More about Chic here

09 June 2011

Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath

I seem to be on a Nicole Scherzinger kick. Girl Crush Alert! Gotta find the "look" and blog it.

04 June 2011

{what next} Laurel Cottage Kitchen

When Winter Thorn of {what next} released the Laurel Cottage, she promised a kitchen, and o.m.g. did she deliver! I love that the pieces come in a rez faux box which fits perfectly into the kitchen with everything in tact AND that the pieces can be rezzed and used separately, too.

I took way too many pics because I wanted to show just how much versatility is in this set. You can change the backsplash, the cabinets, the countertops...even the baskets on top of the cabinets change fabric!

The stove has on and off flame. The teapot has steam on and off. The water in the sink...god, I'm gushing. So I'll stop here and get on with the pics...

Love at first sight...

So many color combinations and, if you use it in the {what next} Laurel Cottage, you have the option of the walls changing color, too!

But one of my very fave things about all things {what next} are the animations! Here I'm supervising...erm...watching my friend, Braden, fix dinner...
Fine. I'll help. He does have a knife in his hand! (poses come with all props shown)

This has to be the sexiest pic of any man in SL evah! *note cleaning action*

Guess I should help clean, too.  =P

All nice and clean! Wonder what's in the fridge for a snack?

So amazing...I love all the little details!

Bon Appetit!

{what next} Pre-loved Lawn Chairs for SBS!

O.M.G. These are so cute! And only 60L per pair for Super Bargain Saturday - June 4. There are 5 different themes to choose from, Surf Shack, Nautical, Vintage, Brighton, and Mellow Yellow and a ton of animations! 

Three animations come with props: Sunscreen, Reading, and Drinking Lemonade (the drinking one also has you swatting at bugs...ewww and fun)

Hurry....ends this weekend!
*everything in pic by {what next} except hair (Truth's Leilani - new) and skin (Curio's May skin - new)

New Truth Hair - Leilani & Kalia

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting. -Buddha

Summer hair from Truth Hawks. So pretty...love the flowers!

Leilani in champagne
attachable flowers
color change headband 

Kalie in Swedish
attachable flowers

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