04 June 2011

{what next} Laurel Cottage Kitchen

When Winter Thorn of {what next} released the Laurel Cottage, she promised a kitchen, and o.m.g. did she deliver! I love that the pieces come in a rez faux box which fits perfectly into the kitchen with everything in tact AND that the pieces can be rezzed and used separately, too.

I took way too many pics because I wanted to show just how much versatility is in this set. You can change the backsplash, the cabinets, the countertops...even the baskets on top of the cabinets change fabric!

The stove has on and off flame. The teapot has steam on and off. The water in the sink...god, I'm gushing. So I'll stop here and get on with the pics...

Love at first sight...

So many color combinations and, if you use it in the {what next} Laurel Cottage, you have the option of the walls changing color, too!

But one of my very fave things about all things {what next} are the animations! Here I'm supervising...erm...watching my friend, Braden, fix dinner...
Fine. I'll help. He does have a knife in his hand! (poses come with all props shown)

This has to be the sexiest pic of any man in SL evah! *note cleaning action*

Guess I should help clean, too.  =P

All nice and clean! Wonder what's in the fridge for a snack?

So amazing...I love all the little details!

Bon Appetit!


  1. hi my Grace =)

    we just said goodnight, but i wanted to tell you that i love you so much and i love the post.

    it's amazing to see us together in your pics - so amazing!



  2. Joonie, this is awesome! ALl the options, the details. Your pics and staging are great--I am especially fond of the big burly guy with the scrub sponge in his hand!!! LOL...love to see a guy slaving over a hot stove...oopy am I going too far over the line into sexism??? Bwahahahahaha!

    Seriously though, I love the care you take in creating and finishing your photos. This is another wonderful post!

    xoxo, PDV

  3. I agree with PDV!! lolol

  4. You are again and again amazing. I love your posts, and the way you are looking this life.


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