31 July 2011


I've been going to SL every day for almost 5 yrs. Something happened...i'm not sure what...but I just don't go there much anymore. The place depresses me. I think I've been there too long as Joonie. I would love to just drop back into obscurity. There just isn't anything there for me any more.

So now what? It's been a habit for 5 yrs to walk into the "study" and turn on my laptop, sit down, go to SL and just stay for hours. Or chat on yahoo. Or lately, play cityville and surf and youtube. It's been SO hot here for weeks. Maybe that's just an excuse. Even the live music scene is boring me.

The last few days I've tried to stay away from this room altogether. Try to find something to do, you know, that doesn't involve this laptop. But before I know it, I just look up and here I am again. Like I'm looking for something in here. Like a lost part of me. I think I know what it is, but I'm only going to find it inside me. Not out there somewhere. I know that and yet, here I am....

As much as I hate to admit it, I think I've used SL and fb and all this online stuff to avoid....my life. Not that my life is terrible. It sooooo isn't. I have a relationship with someone who loves me unconditionally. I have everything materially a person needs to survive and thrive. But for whatever reason, I've turned to SL to make my life better. To fb for fun. To whatever for whatever. And in the process, I think I lost me.

My rl used to be rich and have meaning. It still does to an extent. But not like it did before SL. I no longer go to AA meetings or church. I don't work out. I have no outside social life really. I'm not sure how all this happened. I have my art studio kind of setup the way I want it, but I never go in there. I've become a shell of who I once was. I wonder if this has happened to anyone else. I never hear anyone own up to it.

I'm on so many social networking sites I can't even remember them all. And I don't care about any of them! Why do I join them? Is it pressure to be part of the "in" ppl of SL? If so, that pressure is coming from me. I never used to care about that. I relish in being my own person.

I wonder what ppl share about online. Weight gain and lose? I wish anyone with that issue the best of luck. But I don't know you. Their fights with their bf/gf? Again, I know that can be difficult. I wish you the best. But...I don't know you. What you ate? What you think is funny? Your fave tv show, movie, clothing line, haircut, toilet bowl cleaner? Don't care.

Maybe it's me. Maybe I just don't want to share...myself...with ppl I don't know. Maybe I'm just shy or something. I never have really fit in. Why would I think I could start now? Bah!

So here is my dilemma. I have spent 5 yrs in a place that brought me many things, but also took a lot from me. Recovery has taught me that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. And yet, I return to SL, Plurk, Google+....et al...expecting it to be fun. And it just isn't anymore for me.

So how to assimilate back into RL? That is perplexing me most of all. This lappy has become like a drug to me. Maybe it's not the lappy, but the promises it tells me can be had within. Love, friendship, a life I can't really have. But is it real? Or is it just another diversion that keeps me from living my RL?

26 July 2011

Second Life Does Something Good

We've all heard or been the victim of fb and google+ deleting accounts, mostly those of us from SL, due to "fake names."  LL came up with what I think looks like a cool option.

Check it out over on Ali's blog.....   http://aliciachenaux.blogspot.com/2011/07/hello-new-profiles.html

19 July 2011

Girlyman at the AllGood Cafe

The Shape I Found You In

by Ty Greenstein

You were spoken for

I spent twenty lifetimes at your door

But your heart was busy within

Building bomb shelters under your skin

That's the shape I found you in

That's the shape I found you in

I was calling to you

It was one thing I knew how to do

But my heart tried to cheat

Building safety nets under my feet

So if I fell I would fall right in

That's the shape you found me in

You were delivered to me

We were closed as the stores on Christmas Eve

So I felt around in the dark

Building rope ladders into your heart

Climbing hand over hand to get in

That's the shape I found you in

That's the shape I found you in

09 July 2011

Thank you all so much!

It's time for my blog to go on hiatus. It might be back and it might not. But I wanted to thank everyone who read it and hopefully enjoyed it. There are some amazing blogs out there. I've listed some on the sidebar and will keep the blog active for those of you who might use it to access other blogs.

Again, thank you all so much. It's been a lot of fun.  *hugs*

01 July 2011

Hair Fair 2011

Hair Fair opens up to the public @ midnight tonight! Join the Hair Fair Demo Group and get all the demos free! Then go to the Hair Fair 2011 blog and tp right to the vendor and buy, buy, buy!! Could it be any easier? o.m.g. I think NOT!

Um...what are you waiting for? GO!

All your fave hair creators are there. ;) Have fun! All proceeds go to Wigs for Kids.

New Truth Hair & Truth District Opens @ 9am Friday, July 1

Truth is a great flirt. ~Franz Liszt

There are 4 new styles to choose from this time. Might as well just buy them all! Plus, Truth District will open at 9am in the morning, Friday, July 1st. More about that below. First, the new releases. All styles are shown in Chanpagne.

Summer - color change scarf, ties in the back. Absolutely love love love this style.

Pandora - soft and smexy

Darcey and Darcey 2 - on is longer and fuller than the other. Both are nom nom nom - able.

Jean - simple, full - grazing the shoulders and neck
So get thee to a Truthery and shop! Speaking of Truthery and shopping, Truth Hawks has opened a new shopping sim called Truth District. Below is the press release my friend, Emerald Wynn, put together. She says it much better than I could:


June 30, 2011 — After more than six months in the making, the highly anticipated Truth District will open at 9am July 1, 2011.

Conceptualized by Truth Hawks and designed by Cory Edo, the new shopping sim will house some of the most talented content creators on the grid. Resident designers include:

INDI Designs
Je Suis
The Sea Hole
Trompe Loeil Prefabs
Truth Hair
Whippet & Buck

Many of these creators will offer special grand-opening gifts for members of the Truth District Update Group. Gifts will be available through July 5, and shoppers are encouraged to stay in the group for future updates on new releases, sales, news and member gifts.

Truth District is located at   http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Truth%20District/128/128/22.

For more information, please visit the Website at http://www.truthdistrict.com/

The build is amazing (kudos to Cory Edo) and provides some great places for photo ops.

Best of all...opening gift from Truth Hair:  Becky in Champange - color change band

Also good news for us rabid Truth Hair fans...you can now pick up all future releases of Truth Hair at both his current location AND at his store at Truth District. YAY! Less lag!

So be sure to join the group, Truth District Update Group, and be there at 9am slt Friday, July 1! See you there!

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