08 September 2011

Blogging Again?

Well of course! lol

A month or so ago, I said I was taking a break from blogging. I meant it. I did. But you know...I miss it. So I've been back to blogging a bit.

Here's the deal..lol...this blog has morphed into more of a...hmmmmm...not fashion per se, but of showcasing some things I really love in SL by designers I think are exceptional in the quality of products they provide. Some are blogger copies and some I just find around the grid I want to share. Other posts are about things going on in SL, events and stuff.

My struggle with blogging has been my desire to blog SL things and to blog my personal feelings, hopes, dreams, fears...whatever I want...on a more personal level. Those things don't belong on the feeds, but only for those few ppl I trust, which is as it should be.

So I've decided to keep this blog fun and just for sharing stuff SL-related and to create another blog for my own personal stuff. If you would like to be added to that blog, please email me at:  joonie220@yahoo.com and leave me a msg with your email address. This will be where the invitation to read my blog will be sent.

Thanks everyone for reading so far. I think this is the solution I have been trying to find.

New blog url:   http://joonie-savinggrace.blogspot.com/



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